Thursday, February 18, 2010

Gilgamesh- Tablets IX and X

In tablet 9, I noticed that as Gilgamesh came out of the mountains, he entered a beautifuk garden, kind of reminding me of a paradise.

I noticed that in these chapters many of the original QUESTions stated before are answered or at least referred to. As Gilgamesh goes on a journey to seek immortality, grieving his companion Enkidu's death, and hoping to escape from such a terrible destiny himself, I was tempted to think about the questions: Where are we going? Why are we here? They are somewhat answered at the end of tablet 10, when Urshanabi tells Gilgamesh about how unpredictable death is, stating that even though the time is eventually going to arrive, and the date for death is set, it is never revealed.

"There they established that there is life and death. The day of death is set, though not made known" Tablet 10, pg. 64. As I interpret it, we are being told that everything that has a beginning will therefore have an ending. Nevertheless, I believe that, due to his special traits, Gilgamesh will be instructed how to fool death.

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