Saturday, April 17, 2010

Genesis 17-24

This was quite what I was looking for. In the upcoming chapters of the Genesis, 17-24, Abrams story keeps coming up, and with it, more and more contradictions.
It was a bit monotonous I must say, to read on and on about Abram’s journey, which I personally find meaningless in the bible. I must note some scenes that I find important in these upcoming chapters. First off, it is interesting that God would change Abram and Sarai’s names.

“Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee… And God said unto Abraham, As for Sarai thy wife, thou shalt not call her name Sarai, but Sarah shall her name be.” Genesis 17

What I would like to focus on however, are two rather cruel and controversial events. To begin, I find it absolutely disturbing that the bible includes tales like that of Lot and his daughters. Not only are they sleeping with their old father in order to keep on the family name alive after a violent burning, but they do so when their father is in a drunken state. They basically take advantage of their old father in a disgusting way I must say. However, once again there seems to be nothing wrong in this act to the eyes of God.

Second, I liked the part where Abraham and Sarah are finally able to conceive a child, who they name Isaac. Sarah dies shortly after this, leaving Isaac and Abraham behind. I’m sorry if I sound offensive to some but I find it completely sick and cruel that God asks Abraham to give his son to him as a sacrifice. It is more incredible that Abraham is willing to do so but is stopped at the last minute. I mean, what was the whole purpose of it all? What a cruel way to prove one’s loyalty I must say.

Personally, I have gotten a lot out of reading the bible, especially because I’ve had the chance to explore it deeply, not like previous times where it had been interpreted for me.

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