Saturday, April 17, 2010

Genesis 3-9

As chapter 3 begins, we are exposed to Adam and Eve’s apparently unforgivable sin. As the bible narrates, Eve was tricked into eating from the fruit; the one God had forbidden them to even touch. Not only does she feed from it but encourages Adam to do so too. I believe this act has brought shame upon Eve and therefore, women in general, only for the fact that she was now blamed for committing the sin. Yes, it’s true that both of them were punished by God and forced to exit the Eden forever, however Eve is meant to be overruled by Adam and every wife by their husband. This discussion we had in class and I’ll stick to my position stating that this act is extremely unfair, especially because in past times mostly this has been misinterpreted into women becoming the inferior gender, completely false to me. Later on, we see how the bible can again be misleading, in quotes like these, favoring men.

-“And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth.” Genesis 9

Proceeding in the writing we now find Noah’s story, one that I’m pretty sure most of you have heard before. As future generations appeared upon Earth, one individual with the power to see into God was born; Noah. But at the same time God was concerned about the evilness of men on Earth. He decides to send and enormous flood unto humans, but picks Noah for an important task. He asks him to build an ark, find a pair of each animal and board the boat along with his family. After 40 days and 40 nights of no stopping rain, Noah and his ark find a place to settle and are ordered to reproduce freely. However I find this immensely contradicting. How come Noah and his family reproduce freely, that meaning in between family member? Isn’t that supposed to be against religions itself? Well this kind of things make me think once again about the credibility of the bible itself, and even supports my belief that it can be a tautology as well as contradict itself.

I’m finding it more and more interesting to read the bible not only because, as I said before, I can explore it in a different context, but fascinating doubts arise in my head.

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